Thursday, October 7, 2010


There is a lot of holier than thou on this subject . We must remember that for every immigrant that breaks a law of a country not his own, by coming here, there is an American who is willing to break the laws of his own country by hiring him. Also while the immigrant will break laws to choose poverty over destitution, the American will break the laws of his own country just to save a couple of bucks by not hiring his or her fellow countryman. That said we are adults and this is an adult problem to fix and we should never take out our frustrations over our inability to fix the problem on the kids. So I applaud the recent bill that the legislature passed giving the kids of illegal immigrants in- state tuition at state universities and I think it unfair of my opponent to vote against it. The kids did not ask to come here, they did the work, they got into college. So why should they be penalized?

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