Monday, September 13, 2010

Portugal 3, Italy 1

What does Portugal do pretty well, the Italians sort of do and the Dutch no more than also rans. Its not soccer, but drug policy.
Since 2001 in Portugal has had a policy where drug users are never put in jail, but are put in front of a tribunal whose purpose is to dissuade the user from drug use and get into treatment if necessary
Time Magazine Article

Some will say that that might work in a small country like Portugal, but not in the US. But we are not talking about the US, we are talking about Connecticut, population 3.5 million compared with Portugal population 11.5 million. It was the intent of the Founding Fathers that each state should be able to become a laboratory to try out ideas, which if successful could be subsequently spread to the whole country. However in Connecticut we have to go further. In Porugal as in most of Europe, gun crime is much lower and so is the violence associated with the drug trade.
The violence associated with the drug trade in this country has a huge economic impact.For this reason alone we must consider providing heroin and cocaine to addicts to avoid them getting it on the street. This is pragmatism. They are going to get it anyway and cost the rest of us money in the process. The drug trade is a millstone around our necks and we do not need millstones right now.

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