Thursday, July 15, 2010

News Times article and Green mopeds
It has been suggested that electric mopeds are not green. Up to a point that is true, because the electricity is likely made from coal, but it can be three times as efficient to burn fuel in a power station than in an internal combustion engine, There are of course losses in transmission and in the battery, so the efficiency and so the carbon footprint is only somewhat better than the internal combustion engine. However in the future electricity will come from mostly renewable and nucleat energy. But that day is far ahead and in the meantime battery technology needs to significantly improve. The electric moped is a very useful platform to help that happen. The Chinese appear to understand this better than we do. They have 22,000,000 electric mopeds, so on 22,000,000 batteries they have honed their technology and manufacturing skills. Watch out for their electric cars ! As your Green Party candidate I will push for these green technologies to be developed in Connecticut not China.

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