Monday, November 5, 2012

Whose Hole is it?

Connecticut has an unfunded pension hole in the region of $40,000,000,000 to $50,000,000,000. This means that pensions have been promised which will have to be paid or the promises broken, yet there is no money in the kitty to pay. Both my competitors say they will fix it, but while they were not there to make the mess, the parties that they represent were, so why do you think the Democrats and Republicans can fix it when it was Democratic legislatures and Republican Governors who made the mess? The Green Party is the prudent party in that we want to look after the Earth since it is the only one we have got (no there isn't another one tucked away in another dimension) and prudence would extend to matters fiscal, so the Green Party would no more make a mess of the state's finances than it would make a mess of the planet. So vote for me on Tuesday and lets start cleaning up the mess and take some new ideas to Hartford

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