Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We all know where are failing schools are. The New Milford School System of course has its faults but no one can say it is in crisis. No, the failing schools are in our cities. The prescription is variously to institute more testing, fire more teachers and adminsitrators for bad performance, longer school hours and all the rest. But this assumes that some mysterious reason, all the most ineffective teachers and administrators are drawn to the inner cities like moths to a flame. The reality is that the school can only do so much to outshine the neighborhood it is situated in. Lets reduce crime and violence in the neighborhoods and school performance will increase. Few say this because it is a lot nicer to talk about education than crime and violence.

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I will be voting for you in November. With someone like you in our legislature hopefully we can enact some sensible change in this state. Good luck to you.
